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contoh kalimat the a-team

"the a-team" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • So now you come over to the A-team.
    Jadi sekarang Anda datang ke tim A-.
  • He can belch the theme to The A-Team.
    Dia bisa merubah tema menjadi The A-Team.
  • Yeah, that's because "The A-Team is the best show
    Yeah, itu karena "The A-Team adalah pertunjukan terbaik
  • It's the A-Team gun, man, from the show.
    Ini senjata The A-Team, kawan,
  • Sir, I want to know why you chose the A-team?
    Pak, aku mau tahu kenapa kau memilih Regu A?
  • You know, we're kind of like the A-Team.
    Kamu tahu, kita seperti A-Team.
  • We're not the A-Team here, guys.
    Kita bukanlah the A-Team lagi, teman-teman
  • Well, what were you and the A-Team over here planning to do?
    Well, apa yang kau dan "A-Team" mu rencanakan?
  • Who was driving the A-Team van?
    Siapa yang mengendarai mobil tim-A?
  • We're just gonna sit and watch season two of "The A-Team"
    Kita hanya akan duduk dan menonton season 2 "The A-Team"
  • They got to meet the A-Team.
    Mereka harus bertemu kelompoknya.
  • No, we're the A-team.
    Tidak, kita tim A-.
  • If you don't like us, you can always use the A-Team you got here.
    Jika tak suka kami, kau selalu bisa memakai pasukan Tim-A mu itu.
  • Murdock appeared on The A-Team from the series beginning in 1983 until its cancellation in 1987.
    Murdock tampil pada The A-Team dari serial tersebut pada 1983 sampai penghentiannya pada 1987.
  • Eventually, Final Fantasy was developed by a team of seven core staff members within Square referred to as the "A-Team".
    Final Fantasy dikembangkan oleh tim yang terdiri dari tujuh staf inti Square yang dikenal sebagai "Tim A".
  • So you want me to babysit this guy while you and the A-Team go stop the Horseman of War and his boss, Moloch.
    Jadi kau ingin aku untuk menjaga orang ini sementara kau dan Team A pergi menghentikan penunggang kuda Perang dan bosnya, Moloch
  • Cooper continued to take on parts in several box office hits, including The A-Team (2010), Limitless, and The Hangover Part II (both in 2011).
    Cooper masih ikut dalam beberapa blockbuster, yang meliputi The A-Team (2010), Limitless, dan The Hangover Part II (keduanya pada 2011).
  • 9. Nuggets in the Pan (Resveratrol…Star Player on the A-Team, Evening Exercise, When Do the Endorphins Kick In?, Prednisone Caution, Strange Dogs)
    9. Nuggets di Pan (Resveratrol ... Star Player di A-Team, Evening Latihan, Ketika Apakah yang Endorfin Tendang Dalam?, Prednison Perhatian, Anjing Aneh)
  • 9. Nuggets in the Pan (Resveratrol…Star Player on the A-Team, Evening Exercise, When Do the Endorphins Kick In?, Prednisone Caution, Strange Dogs)
    9. Nuggets di Pan (Resveratrol ... Star Player pada A-Team, Latihan petang, Apabila Adakah Endorfin Kick Dalam?, Prednisone Awas, Anjing yang pelik)
  • "Howling Mad" Murdock, played by Dwight Schultz, is a fictional character and one of the four protagonists of the 1980s action-adventure television series The A-Team.
    "Howling Mad" Murdock, yang diperankan oleh Dwight Schultz, adalah sebuah karakter fiksi dan salah satu dari empat protagonis serial televisi aksi-petualangan 1980an The A-Team.
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